Saturday, September 4, 2010

5 POINT Brunch

"Wow!  That looks like something from a gourmet restaurant!"

That's what my 11-year-old daughter said. And you know what?  It was heavenly.

What you're looking at is a vegetable hash that I topped with a slice of fat free cheese and two over-easy eggs.  I like my eggs a little crispy around the edges but gooey on the inside so that when you take a fork and knife to them you end up with luxuriously creamy-but-crispy goodness!

No oil was used in preparation, either.  Here's how you can replicate this dish yourself:

Roughly chop half a small onion, half a yellow bell pepper and half a zucchini.  Begin sauteeing the veggies with a bit of cooking spray.  When they still need more cooking time but seem to be getting too dry that's when you hit 'em with a splash of chicken stock.  That's my secret ingredient for sauteed veggies without butter or oil.  Give 'em little splashes as needed until your veggies are to your liking.

Once the veggies are nearing their desired level of "done-ness" throw in some minced garlic, a handful of chopped kale and some fresh thyme.  Normally I'd salt and pepper at this point but I'm realizing as I write this that I didn't add seasonings this time and didn't miss a thing!  Hmmm.  Who knew?

Okay, scrape your lovely veggies onto a plate and place a slice of fat free cheese on top.  It'll start melting while you cook the eggs.  Mmmmmmm.

I'm assuming you know how to fry eggs . . . I use cooking spray for mine and season them with a blend of garlic powder, salt and black pepper.  Lay them gently on top of that melty cheese and, voila!  You have a scrumptious, satisfying brunch!

Of course, you can substitute the vegetables with whatever you have on hand.  Mushrooms are wonderful, any color peppers are divine and spinach can stand in for the kale with no problem.  I like to make a large batch of veggie hash on the weekend and keep it in the fridge for use like this or as a quick omelette filling throughout the week.  It's a wonderful way to get two servings of vegetables in at the very beginning of your day.

Bon Appetit!


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