Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Realistic Tips for Trimming the Fat

Today I noticed this great article on the website and just had to share it!  The author has highlighted 8 practical tips for losing fat and achieving a leaner body composition.  While I'm sure some of the suggestions won't be brand new to many of us who are striving to lose weight and improve body fat percentage, I encourage you to take a look and find something new that you can incorporate into your lifestyle.  The tip on the importance of iron intake was one I hadn't necessarily connected to keeping the muscle mass I already have.

So, on which suggestion will you be striving to place more emphasis?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Progress on Couch to 5K

Well, I've been working on training for my first 5K run with the Couch to 5K program and I can honestly say that I'm really becoming a runner! Okay, jogger, but one of my favorite sayings lately is: "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch". Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be possible to enjoy running but this program is so gentle and realistic that I've been able to consistently succeed. Isn't that one of the secrets of fitness . . . consistency?

Speaking of consistency, in the same way I've made my 5K training a priority I want to make a commitment to blogging regularly. I hope to improve on that in the coming weeks and share the ideas and insights that tend to come to me while I'm out there running.

What will you be committing to this month?

See you next time, somewhere left of heft . . .


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wet your Whistle with a Watermelon

Okay, I stumbled on this recipe a loooooong time ago and forgot to give it a try.  Boy!  Am I kicking myself!

If you're trying to increase your fluid intake or simply looking for something different you'll love Susan Maria Leach's concoction at her Bariatric Eating website.

Let me know if you like it as much as I do!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hanging on Tight!

Surprisingly, it's been more than 8 months since I've published a post.  I took a break while discerning and acting on a major decision that I felt the need to keep quiet -- until now.

I had weight loss surgery.

There.  It's out now.

Weight loss surgery isn't for everyone.  I'll tell you what, though . . . it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself.  Truly.  A month and a half before surgery my cardiologist had me double my blood pressure medication.  I no longer need that prescription at all. Joint pain?  Gone.  Energy level?  So much better.  Stress incontinence?  What stress incontinence?

You see, in addition to the weight loss there are all sorts of benefits I'm enjoying now that I'm on the "loser's bench".  My health and quality of life are improving as I get lighter.  So far, since my Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery on March 2, 2011, I've lost 58 pounds!

A lot of WLS veterans told me to hang on tight for the ride of my life and that's what I'm doing.  Now that I've had some time to adjust to my new way of life I'll be back here posting tips and recipes for the healthy lifestyle I'm thoroughly enjoying.  I hope you'll continue to join me on the journey.

See you soon, a little farther left of heft!